Hey bro’s I’ve been gone for a while now just being busy with life. Comment if you remember me!

But here’s my situation. The wife and I are trying to get pregnant end of May/June when she gets her IUD out. I had been running low dose test (200mg/wk) with 12-16 week blasts of test and Tren for about 14 months but came off mid January. I ran a PCT cycle after consisting of:
HCG 500iu eod week 1-8
Clomid 50mg ED week 1-4
Clomid 25mg ED week 5-8

I felt good while I was on HCG but since then I’ve noticed my libido has tanked and I’m desperate to get back on because of it.

I plan on getting bloodwork and sperm count tests soon.

My question is if sperm count comes back good, is there a way for me to get on trt dosage of test with HCG and still be fertile? If so, what HCG regimen is appropriate?

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