How-to Post Cycle Therapy

Everything you need to know

Post cycle therapy is the period of time after your cycle is over in which the main goal is to restore your bodiless natural functions including normal and natural hormone levels. This is done through a few different drugs.

Aromatase Inhibitor

First we need an AI to avoid any amortizing estrogen that may come from the esters that are still clearing and also from the HcG we will be taking the first two weeks of the PCT. This will keep your estrogen levels in check while also helping restore your natural testosterone levels. Some popular AI’s are: Aromasin(exemestane), Arimidex(anastrozole), and Letrozole(Femara). For PCT purposes, our best choice is Aromasin as it is a steroidal AI and also a suicidal AI meaning that enzymes, after bonded, will become inactive and no longer be able to convert testosterone. We will use it at a moderate dose through our PCT. (25mg every day)

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

HcG, simply put, has an alpha subunit amino chain that is identical to our bodies natural luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). These two hormones in the body are the “key players” in hormone secretion and also play a key role in sperm production in males. Simply, HcG will “act like” LH in the body, in turn making your testes begin to produce testosterone, which is the whole idea of PCT. But HcG is only a substitute for LH, just to “kick start” the testes into producing. We need to get our body to begin producing its own normal amount of sex hormones, which is what the next drug is for........

Selective estrogen receptor modulator(SERM)

A SERM is what will get our body to start spitting out that much needed luteinizing hormone. Now, there are two main serms that have been used over the years, and the arguement has raged on and on about which is better. They are Nolvadex(tamoxifen citrate) and Clomid(clomiphene citrate). Without going too much in depth, and after my many years of research, I have come to agreement with many other great minds such as William Llewellyn that Nolvadex is clearly superior for a few simple reasons. Please see my stickied thread to read Lywellyns entire article. It will also cover the basics of a SERM, saving me some time

Other Supplements to be used (optional but very beneficial)
• Creatine (fuels ATP)
• L-Carnitine (multiple benefits including sperm health)
• Vitamin B12 (PCT is a known time of lethargy and low appetite, B12 greatly improves this)
• IGF-1 (lr3) Multiple benefits including incredibly anabolic yet non-suppressive, will help muscle tissue continue to grow through PCT.

The suggested protocol
Please keep in mind that this may not be suited for cycles that exceed 18-24 weeks.

HcG- 1,500iu per week for weekk one and two. Split into three, 500iu doses MWF
Aromasin- 25mg/day (week 1+2), 12.5mg/day(weeks 3,4,5)
Nolvadex- 40mg/day (week 1+2+3) 20mg/day (week 4+5++)

Optional Additions (highly recommended)
15 grams of creatine every day (5 sometime in the morning, 10 post workout)
L-Carnitine- 500mg daily
Vitamin b12- I reccomend Synthetek’s Synthelamin, 2ml taken every 3-4 days. Synthelamin – Appetite Stimulator | Synthetek
IGF-1 Lr3- Dosing varies, experienced users only.

And there you have it, a simple and very effective PCT.