Quote Originally Posted by Jile View Post
I might be blind. I'm looking for it but I can't seem to find it. I need to get this gyno gone
Can't find what? Pretty much every sponsor on here has nolva. Also I forgot to ask. So your gyno, do you still have hard tender (for lack of a better word) knots in each pec? Or has that gone away and now you just have fatty tissue and possibly a larger gland in there? Asking because if it's gone past the point where the gland is actively using estrogen to produce fatty tissue, then drugs aren't going to do much at all. Sorry to say but once the fat has already accumulated, knocking down estrogen is only going to make it not get worse. Now it's just like having fat on any other area of your body. But I'd still give nolva a try just be prepared by knowing surgery might be your only option at this point.