With all the Olympic weightlifting I did for a few years this definitely affected the size and function of my legs and back. Back then even 3 reps was a lot with the Clean and Jerk and snatch. If you take a look at the quads of some famous gold medalists like pyross Dimas or Lu xiojun you'll see what I'm talking about. Their Legs are insane. I saw pyrro front squat 250 kilos at a body weight of around 184 pounds. There's other guys like Tian Tao that back squat 300 kilos or more for reps and he weighs in at 195 pounds. There is a steep learning curve for those lifts and training in the Bulgarian method where your lightest weight is 85% of your 1RM but it produces amazing results if your able to do it. Great read, thanks for posting it.