Quote Originally Posted by Riggs View Post
Pray for good genetics too. At 40 my body says "hey let's doooo ohhhh I don't know 3 spine surgeries and 6 hernia's."

I just had 4 hernia's repaired a few months back...I'm on week 2 back to the gym aaaaand I have another one that popped out while doing rows today. Thank God for good insurance otherwise I'd be fucked. One guy can be like me, lift heavy asf, College ball, and gear for 17yrs with zero issues, and boom 6 surgeries in 3 yrs. The next guy plays ball 2 yrs in College and is done with a serious injury.

Sometimes our body predicates what we can and can't do.

But for the sake of this thread absolutely strict form is paramount to staying injury free. Abso'fucking'lutely.
So true Riggs! I've always answered the question " What do I need to do to be a great powerlifter or bodybuilder?" like this. PICK THE RIGHT PARENTS. Unfortunately it's the one thing we have no control of. Then I'd answer "You have take the hand your dealt and be the best you can be". Most of us actually fall into that category. BE AN OVER ACHEIVER! They often beat a talented guy with a low work ethic.