Hi everyone,

I have a number of years training under my belt and my goals are to be as big as possible and as strong as possible! I know many people say to pick one and stick to it, but I honestly want to work both. I don't care much for getting shredded and working on little details like a bodybuilder would, but I do want as much overall muscle development as possible. So far I have just been doing a few triples or doubles depending on how I feel on the day, then I do a heap of hypertrophy stuff. I train 5-6 days a week: (1) squat + posterior chain (2) bench + chest & tri's (3) deadlift + legs (4) military press + shoulders (5) back and bi's. If I do a 6th day I just start at squats again. I was just wondering if my training is not the most efficient and if I should move to a proper program to help progress quicker. I feel that progress is very slow and I have barely increased my lifts over the past year. However I am at week 7 of my first test e cycle and I am starting to feel stronger.

29, 5'8"-5'9", 92.5kg (204lb), 15% bf.
Squat: 210kg (463lb)
Bench: 137.5kg (303lb)
Deadlift: 265kg (584lb)