I came out of bodybuilding into powerlifting. Did both together for a couple year and finally decided to just compete in powerlifting. What I'd learned in bbing definitely helped make me a better pler. For example. Bodyweight manipulation. I was able to break state, American and World records at 220, 242, 259 and 308. At my Zenith as a powerlifter here's how I trained: My powerlifts i trained at the 1st of my workout after stretching. I did only singles starting with a relatively light weight (415 squats and 225 bench and deads). Add weight and do another single and so on till I hit my goal weight for the session. Then I'd work chest tris and shoulders like an off season bodybuilder. Example: db bench presses for 3 sets of 8 -10 to build the muscle base (size) for 2 - 3 excercises per muscle group.
Same protocol on squat day and deadlift day. I trained 3 days per week. I still had abs that were very visible at 5'9" then in my mid 50s. I had more size doing this than I'd ever had as a bodybuilder. I weigh from 285 to 300 pounds during most of that time; averaging about 285ish. Gear wise was tren a and test e. Meals were( according to my wife) one per day ....it lasts all day. She said I grazed. I'd get about 300 to 350 grams of protein and about 500 grams of carbs. Not real particular about the sources (somewhat clean) LOL! My best gym lifts were multi ply: 930 squat - 705 bench - 650 dead lift. I got a lot out of my Titan equipment. My best raw with wraps gym lifts were: 705 squat - 425 bench - 600 deadlift. P.S. The 650 equipped deadlift was in a single ply Titan Velocity. Never tried to pull in a multiply suit.. This was similar in philosophy to what Doug Young called 'Powerbuilding' in the 70s...He was an original! A true Beast!