Have you watched videos of yourself doing deads ?
I did 10lbs over my 1RM with a spotter pushing me .
You ever see someone spot a dead lifter ?
You think no fucking way because I did in my 50’s .
Well a 18 year kid pulling 495 like I Pulled 135 loaded my bar over my 80% to more than my 1RM .
He stood in front of me like he was gonna yell in my face .
When I got set and started to pull he put a finger under my chin and lifted .
Keeping my head up my spine was straight.
Never wanted a spot again because I don’t like being touched but lifting heavy I hold the bar bait handed and lift my head up . The body will follow.
I read and studied for years . Everyone said to pretend to drive your heals into the ground .
Moral of my story is some people lift thru there head up and others lift by trying to push the ground away .
Good luck