BW : Still around 110 OHP still feeling shit but other pressing movements are good.
Monday Deadlift:

Defict deadlift of 4 mats 125x4x10
BB Row 90x4x10
Pause squat 105x4x6
reverse hyper 20x3x15
Chins 4x8

Wednesday Bench:

Chains bench 90+25kg of chain 4x8
Bufflo Bench 100x4x8
Low DB prone row 30x4x10
EZ curl skullcrushers 35x3x15
tricep pressdown 30x4x15

Friday Squats

SSB squat 110x4x8
bufflo bar squat 125x4x6 ( Didn't finish squats injured something in my hip)
Chins 5x8

Saturday Bench assistance

Incline BB 90x4x8
OHP 70x46
Side laterals 15x4x15
Rear Delts 15x4x15
Hammer curls 15x4x15
Skull crushers 14x4x15