Another week offseason training. Hip came good and was able to do abit of squatting on Friday. Still weighing around 110 that is fine. Still making my mind up if i'm going to compete at 110 or 125. Most likely will be competing at 125 see i'm natural now but will probably blow up to 120 once i'm on. Strength feels right about where it should be. Gear will be starting in the middle of September for this prep.

Monday Deadlift:

Deadlift 130x4x10
BB Row 100x4x8
Chins 4x10
Reverse Hyper 15x4x10

Wednesday Bench:

Chains bench 95+25 chain 4x8
Bufflo bench 105x4x8
DB row 30x4x15
EZ curl skull crushers 25x4x25
Ez curl curls 25x4x25

Friday Squat:

Bufflo pause squat 130x4x6
Trap bar dead 130x4x10
Reverse hyper 20x4x10
Chins 4x8

Saturday Bench assistance:

BB incline 100x4x6
OHP 80x1x2 60x2x10
Side laterals 7.5x4x20
Rear delts 7.5x4x20
DB skull crushes 15x4x12
Hammer curl 15x4x12