Another week of training has finished. This is the end of this phase , only have another two for week blocks before meet prep starts. I think for the majority of this offseason i'll stay around 110kg BW then get upto around 120kg for comp time. Cycle will be starting somewhere in the middle of September. I'll attach a screen shot of the spread sheet for my cycle once it gets closer. This is how this weeks training went:

Monday Deadlift

Deadlift 140x4x10
BB Row 105x4x8
High bar beltless pause squat 140x4x6
Reverse Hyper 10x4x20
Chins 3x10

Wednesday Bench

Chains Bench 100+25kg of chain 3x8 1x7(Missed the last rep on right at the lip of the rack , left tricep couldn't push.
Bufflo Bench 110x4x6
DB prone row 30x3x15
Ez curl skull crushes 30x3x20
Press down with V bar 30x3x20

Friday Squats

SSB squat 140x4x5
Bufflo bar pause squat 140x4x5
Trap bar dead 150x4x5
Reverse hyper 30x3x10
Chins 3x10

Saturday Bench assistance

BB incline 100x4x6
DB sholder press 20x4x20
side laterals 10x4x20
Rear delts 10x4x20
hammer curls 15x3x10
dbskull crushers 15x3x10