Bodyweight still around 113 to 114 at night. Week was pretty shit seeing my hamstring is a bit hurt. Start of a new phase , cycle starts in roughly two weeks
Monday Deadlift
( No deads seeing hamstring is still sore)
Chins 5x10
Inline prone row 30x5x15
Lat Pulldown 150x4x20
Machine Row 150x4x20

Wednesday Bench

Chains bench 100+25 chain 4x6
Bufflo Bar Pause 80x4x10
Incline prone row 25x4x20
KB skull crushers 16x4x15

Friday Squats:

Coach avised to take day of because of hamstring

Saturday Bench:

OHP 40x4x12
DB Incline 25x4x20
Side Laterals and rear delts super set 7.5x4x12
Hammer curl and skull crushers superset 10x4x20
BB Curl and Rope press down superset20x2x25