Body weight around 120 at night. Training has been kicking arse early in the week. Sucked towards the end because of the flu.

Monday Deadlift:

Defict Deadlift 185x4x6
Stiff leg deadlift 120x4x10
BB Row 90x3x12 1x25
DB Row 40x2x20

Wednesday Bench:

Chains bench 120+25 chain 3x6 1x9
Bufflo bench 100x3x10
DB row 25x3x20
KB Skull crushers 14x3x20

Friday Squats:
Low bar squat 160x4x6
Have fucking test flu so just did working weight and called it a day

Satuday Bench assistance:

OHP 60x4x10
Upright row 40x4x12
Incline DB 20x2x25
Rear Delt /side delt super set
Bi's and Tricep super set