Bodyweight sitting steady at 120 now. Starting to feel my groove on all lifts now. Still 15 weeks out will see how we go this prep.

Monday Deadlifts:

Defict deadlift 190x4x6
Stiff leg deadlift 125x2x12
BB Row 100x4x12
DB row 50x2x12
Reverse Hyper 10x4x20

Wednesday Bench:

Chains bench 125+25 chain 3x6 1x5 (fucking lower back cramped)
Bufflo Bench 105x4x8
Incline DB row 35x4x12
KB Skull Crushers 16x4x15

Friday Squats:

Low bar beltless 170x4x6
High bar pause 130x4x6
Revese hyper 20x4x15

Saturday Bench assistance

OHP 65x4x10
Fucked around with 12 inch log worked up to 100 kg
Rear Delt and side latteal super set
Ez curl curls and skull crushers super set