Meet prep starts next week. Sitting at 120 now so have 5kg to gain in the next 11 weeks. Did a little bit of heavier training this week but still using no belt or wraps. Volume is going to go up a heap seeing prep is starting. I'm currently only posting once weekly as summary, if anyone has any questions about anything feel free to post here.

Monday Deadlifts:

Deficit deadlift 200x3 220x3 240x3
BB row 120x4x10
Chins 3x10

Wednesday Bench

Chains bench 130+25x3 140+25x3 150+25x3 155+25x3
Bufflo Bench 130x3x5
Incline DB row 40x3x12
KB skull crushers 20x3x15

Friday Squats

Beltless squats 200x3 215x3 230x3
High bar pause squat 180x3x3

Saturday bench assistance

OHP 80 3x5
Side laterals 15x3x12
Rear delts same
Arms supersets