Hi All,

I've decided to start a training log. First week of my pct this week from my last meet where I went 757.5 at 115kg ( have done 775 at sloppy 123). In the log i'll include my gear usage , meet prep and off season training.
I've had the strength to 800 at the last few meets just have managed to have shit days , but it is what it is. Currently sitting around 110 kg at 13% roughly after PCT. Currently 6 months out just thought it would be interesting for all to see what goes into a prep.
Current best comp lifts are 300 kg squat 177.5 Bench and 300kg Dead
Current best gym lifts are 300kg squat 180 bench and 280 for 2 on dead.

This weeks training has looked like this:

Monday DL day:

RDL of 4 mats: 120x4x10
HB pause squat :110x4x5
Plate loaded row 40kg a side for 4x15
Reverse hyper 15x4x10

Wednesday Bench Day:

Chains bench 75 bar weight plus 20 chains for 4x10
Bufflo bar bench with feet up and paused 90x4x10
Chins 4x8 with bodyweight
DBSkull Crushers 15x4x10
Rope pressdowns 25x4x12

Friday Squat Day:

SSB with no belt 140x4x10
Trapbar deads 140x4x10
Barbell Row 90x4x12
reverse hyper 10x4x15

Saturday : Second Bench day and shoulders

BB incline 80x4x8
OHP 60x4x10
Side and rear delts superset 10x4x15
Hammercurl 20x4x12
Rope press down 30x4x12

As you can see the weight is light but the reps are high seeing i'm not starting meet prep until late September and wont be competing to early Jan 19. Hope someone gets some enjoyment out of following this. This is my first time logging training like this so please beware the shitty formatting