Bodyweight around 118.5 at night now, i'm fine with this seeing that everything feels so fucking light. This is my first full week on halo and i'm loving it. Bench and Squat are both PBs , got some good momentum going into the comp now only two weeks to go.

Monday Deadlift

Deadlift 270x1x3

Wednesday Bench

Comp Bench 180x2x1
Close grip 140x2x5
Incline prone row 40x4x10
KB skull crushers 24x4x10

Friday Squat:

Squat 285x1x2

Saturday Bench assistence:

DB shoulder press 20x1x10 ,25x1x10 ,30x1x10x 35x1x10 40x1x10 45x1x10
Side delts on cable 10x3x15
Rear delts on cable 10x3x15
Tricep press downs 80x3x15
Ezbar curl 40x3x20
Ezbar skullcrush 40x3x20