From the elitefts Twitter Chat: Twenty Squat Mistakes

Twenty Squat Mistakes

As seen on Twitter: Dave (CEO elitefts) ‏@UnderTheBar

Squat Mistake #1thinking it’s not technical and simple.
Squat Mistake #2not setting up TIGHT from head to toe.
Squat Mistake #3not arching the bar out of the rack.
Squat Mistake #4not starting with an arch and ass back.
Squat Mistake #5pulling air into your chest and not your belly.
Squat Mistake #6looking up instead of driving head and traps into the bar.
Squat Mistake #7not spreading the floor and pushing your knees out.
Squat Mistake #8sitting down instead of back.
Squat Mistake #9moving hips first out of the hole. The head and chest must move back first.
Squat Mistake #10not using compensatory acceleration on the concentric phase.
Squat Mistake #11looking down when the lift gets hard. When it gets hard, drive head into the bar.
Squat Mistake #12not using a box squat in one form or another.
Squat Mistake #13not squatting with people stronger than you.
Squat Mistake #14thinking there is a huge difference between squat training for raw vs. geared.
Squat Mistake #15not having an honest person watching your depth.
Squat Mistake #16slacking on training your core.
Squat Mistake #17being a pussy that is scared of big weights.
Squat Mistake #18not rotating bars – this can allow for same volume and intensity with a reduction in workload.
Squat Mistake #19 - thinking you know it all when you don’t know “squat.”
Squat Mistake #20technique is CRITICAL!!! This is how we get beginner – advanced lifters break PRs in 1.5 hours of seminar coaching.