Ok this is a question and something I have been thinking about just crazy i guess i am always wondering about random shit lolol

in my opinion i think it should be a licensed profession. i have been seeing these shows lately and they set up people to catch the pimps and save underage girls and i am all for stopping that and anyone forced into doing anything they dont want to especially underage girls.

i am talking about the women who choose to do this and enjoy this line of work. anyone seen the new show 8 minutes? where the preacher and his advocates get the girls to the rooms and ask if they want help and offer a way out of the life? some of those girls decline and say they enjoy it.

my thinking suggests that by making it legal you could prevent most of the girls being forced into this and stop a lot of diseases from being spread along with the violence and other bad things that come with it and catch these worthless pimps. if you legalized it the government could tax it, give the people licenses and require weekly std tests and other requirements. it would also be easier to find the underage girls and the ones forced into it because they would have an entire database that would have them all registered in it so when they are trying to set up stings to catch these people they go through ads like on craigslist or backpage and pick random girls to bust. if they had a list of all of them they could narrow there search by skipping over the ones they have listed as licensed and focus on the ones not listed and could possibly be underage or forced into it.

i guess the pimps could still make some get licenses but during the licensing phase they could have advocates just like on that show that could offer a way out of the life and show them the help that they could receive if they wanted it.

who knows......... im crazy sometimes and think of the craziest shit sometimes. would like to hear others thoughts on the subject?????????? lets see what kind of responses we can get?

and if it was legal i could start getting paid for all the joy i have been giving away to women for free all these years lolol.