The democratic party appeals to those who don't want to work for it. Is it really any different then what we see in here?? What can I do to get a quick fix and solve all my body problems. Lose the weight, get the muscle. Can't I just take something and not change my behavior?? THat's what the DemonCrats want people to believe.. you don't have to change, you deserve what everyone else has and we will make it right for you. Hard work, discipline modifying your behavior if you aren't getting the results you want is not what the DemonCrats believe in. Who the hell wants to put in the time and effort, when someone will tell me it's not my fault and they will make it better. I have no sympathy for these fine folks that have made a life for themselves in this country and are now being rounded up and being removed. Is it heartbreaking, and tearing up families hell yes and I hate that. But these people have now been in this country 30 plus years in some cases why after you turned 18 went and found out what it would take to do it right? Why didn't the american spouse get the process going to avoid this situation. This is Trump enforcing the rules. I am willing to bet that if any of these folks would stand up and say Hey i came here illegally as a child and I want to stay and contribute what does it take, they will not be sent back. No president wants to be sending these folks home, but we need to enforce our laws. The DemonCrats have no desire to enforce laws they don't like. The only laws they enjoy are the ones that burden the American Citizens. IE the EPA!