Quote Originally Posted by AngieNY View Post
Because the MSM wants you to believe that no gays or blacks voted for him. I have two best friends, both gay / lesbian they are BOTH Christian AND Conservative and they have been welcomed with opened arms into straight, Christian, Conservative homes. They have been EXILED from the gay community because of their faith and politics. Now tell me, who are the bigots and narrow minded?

SHIT! I also have a transgender friend who is Conservative who loves and voted for Trump.
It just dumbfounds me how, in this day and age, an individual's personal desires and preferences can alienate them. What's more, is that individuals with certain proclivities are being forced to participate in a particular political camp or religious association.

I say good on them for keeping their political views and religious beliefs separate from their seual orientation. I am sorry they have experienced so much backlash, Angie. Next time you speak to them, remind them of how strong they are for sticking to their beliefs and political ideologies regardless of what the "masses" say they have to do.