Quote Originally Posted by Primemuscle View Post
This has been in motion for a very long time. It’s been mentioned a few times but I’ll reiterate it... they threw common core education in our schools systems to indoctrinate the youth the think, feel, act a certain way. They don’t educate to create free thinkers anymore but rather program sheep that’ll follow what their told.

In the news they do not give unbiased stories to let us decide how we feel. They use emotional triggering to dictate to us how to feel. Instead of us being one nation it’s a divided nation of: left vs right, maskers vs no masks, blue lives vs black lives, vaccine vs no vaccine, etc.

So through various means like education, media, entertainment, celebrities they try to program the masses to aimlessly wander, fearing the proverbial big bad wolf when it’s really the wolves feeding these sheeple the narrative.

It appears with this they are trying to yet again dissolve the middle class. Making an even bigger gap between rich or poor. Self sustainable or dependent.

Also 100% there’s a war on real men. Your labeled toxic if you have some balls and stand your ground. They want us to be beta males.

I could go on but don’t want to rant. Just remember Thomas Edison said this: when the people dictate the government it’s democracy, but when the government dictates to the people, it’s tyranny.

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