Order from IFBB touched down last week and decided why not do a little log of his gear. Cycle will be simple run of Test P, Tren A, Superdrol, and some Clen. Looking to go 8 weeks on this one.

1-8 Test P 210mg
1-8 Tren A 350mg
1-4 Superdrol 20mg PWO
Clen 2 weeks on/off

Pinning ED. Doses will go up based on sides and how I feel. Superdrol will stay at 20mg, maybe up to 30mg depending on sides.

Starting stats are 29 years old, 5' 10", 230 lbs. Looking to cut up a bit, and increase strength.

Cycle actually started last Friday, but was too busy over the weekend to start this up. Pins have been super smooth, and flows through a 25g like water. Have pinned glutes, quads, and VG's no problem.

Tomorrow is an off day so will post up more about diet, training, etc. Just wanted to get this log finally rolling.

Here's some porn to end on...