We have all felt the effects of high estrogen and low estrogen. I have felt that many inexperienced overuse AI with cookie cutter dosages that are too high. Low estrogen estrogen had been linked to Relationship Jealousy and a host of other issues.
Mixed with Tren A at 70mg ED or Tren E at 600mg/wk (everyone is different) adds more to the issue.
Especially if you have had thoughts of suicide in the past, were already sort of jealous or in a toxic relationship, and just an all around immature person. Even if your not it can bring out the worst in some, no doubt about it from my experience. However, roid rage isn't real in the sense that "now I am on a cycle or blast, and I feel uncontrollable rage and outburst" never had that.

I don't use AI, and block with Nolvadex. Bloodwork amd monitor everything. No longer run high dosages of gear
Once I dropped AI, felt more pumped, stronger, ect.
Many know of the strategic use of higher AI for cutting near comp, or for summer lol.
I actually do a cruise now, no less than 10 weeks and bloods good. I blast for no more than 15, no higher than 600 Test, 500 Deca, 400 Tren E. Blah blah cool story.

I preach it alot, because the differences were mind blowing. Don't just use an AI because. I don't even look at bloodwork numbers because in range, around 31, I wake up flat, feel less pumped, just crap. A little higher, I feel awesome. No mental issues.
I do shed tears with every movie. Literally every animated film we go see with the kids, or any movie I watch, ... the most mundane shit makes me get all emotional and teary eyed. Ugly Dolls, cried. Wonder Park when her mom leaves, cried. End Game, Transformers, pretty much every movie I watch, something gets me bro.