Quote Originally Posted by stemco1 View Post
I see a lot of fellas follow the pain train one day I have the best packaging to date then a few bottles break in the exact same packaging and now my packs are falling off any how as announced on other boards I wasn't around for all of this I hate to see that all of this went down but it is what it is just for the record the 200 dollars that was due was for anabolic graphics which I no longer take part in very good guy has and is in charge of that company but he can also tell you that I was not around for all of this it does bother me so many people jumped on this bandwagon some didn't some stuck up for my product for that I am greatful I do know for a fact nobody was scammed besides pain and I am going to take care of that myself the person that ran everything got really over booked and couldn't handle the business this is my business so I am to blame if I hadn't put myself in a situation where I had to leave for almost a year none of this would have happened if you noticed I was kicked off of sf for not signing in for to long things went south here as well people's packs started getting shipped late I apologize as soon as pain sees my handle I made I'm sure I will be band but for now guys I apologize check pm I am back things are good and pain I apologize and one more things my orals suck ???? Said nobody ever ! That guy is nuts but any way PAIN if you shoot me a email I'll get you taken care of if you don't want to bother and tell me to kiss off I understand take care bop


Thanks for chiming in and oh yea I will be emailing you as soon as possible LMAO.

It had nothing to do with Anabolic Graphics, They pay their bills so don't bring them into being affiliated with a scammer. This is a post in an attempt to drag in more unsuspecting victims and get back to scamming people. You were cut a huge discount for sponsor fees from what others pay monthly just to get our transaction done and people their packs and over with and you couldn't even do 200 bucks or get out packs on time. Read the first post in this thread. Your a joke bro. Take your bullshit and lies to another forum. Seriously i offered 200 bucks as a way to get all of this done and over with and take you off of here and you couldn't afford 200? Sorry bro we have real sponsors here. You couldn't afford to pay rent here then and damn sure couldn't now.

Let's think for a second that we are living in a fairy tale world and all of this is true that you are saying.... so you handed over your entire business and everyones info to someone else and left for a year? yea that makes us all feel safe and warm and cozy inside let's make some more orders so all this can happen again. LMAO.

Oh and by the way how are you enjoying being on the first page of Google?


Gotta love running a forum that has the biggest search engine optimized scammer forum so people will see who the scammers are.