I posted this in my thread but i'll put it here too.

Seems the hacker is back. I noticed i had an email and the sent info was not from me. The scammer said to send bitcoin with bitcoin address 38Mr23sonPffkfiC92AxUmWntMsHFeCdq1. He gave detailed instructions how to set up bitcoin. He also offer CIM as an option. We do that with select few clients only so if you got a CIM addy send a PM here to me with what the addy was. Dont post this thread either if you PM me b/c this scammer looks for those who post and hacks their accounts here on the forums as well. Change passwords to 14characters or longer including lower case, upper case, #'s and symbols and it makes it much harder to hack.

Also the member here who this seemed to have happened to has had 2 threads asking about bitcoin, how to use it,etc.. so this scammer searches the forums for people inquiring and more than likely targets them here first hacking their password and then if your email is the same here as when you place orders its probably easier for him.

Update 4/18/19

here is CIM info hacker is using:

Wyatt Brady
28297 Marcia Ave
Warren, MI 48093

Update 4/19/18

Update on this situation. I told the customer who sent the CIM to call the PO and make up a story that they got something from craigslist and then read it was a scam,etc... they said they called and the PO stopped the CIM pack and he is picking it up. Also we cant assume the CIM addy is the scammer. It could just be some innocent person who lives nearby and the scammer knows their work schedule,etc... Seems like there has only been 2 people involved in this and it appears the scammer hacked their emails and did some type of reverse scam,etc..