When I believed Janoshik was a fraud I was hell bent on proving my point.
The real Pain told me to cease and desist immediately.
There is a whole industry built on his certificates of authenticity.
They have premium boards built on his HPLC testing results.

I thought I was providing a service to all my brothers and sisters by legitimizing hormone testing.
There is no domestic companies willing to test underground pharmaceuticals.
I secured a company in India that was government certified.
Risk to my security I had to pay by bank transfer.
A legitimate company only takes money by legal channels.
To send minimum size samples of 10ml I had to fill out export paperwork.
They have a real address to a building that houses very expensive lab equipment.

The stories that Janoshik spins does sound very inviting as I wanted to believe.
Who cares that Janoshik provided a HPLC certificate for a sponsor on pack that was returned .
I want truth at any cost.
This is the test results I received and can explain.

In the year of 2019 the best HPLC equipment requires a 10ml sample.
HPLC testing can only detect 1 hormone at a time.
Sustanon would require 40ml of product at a cost of $360 USD.

The tube that sample travels to be measured requires enough volume to read the electrical current charge.
Then the analytic graph can be broken down into molecules that resemble matter.
The structure will then be something that can be distinguished such as a hormone.

To believe Janoshik can take 1ML samples and detect multiple hormones while knowing their weight will also have to believe he can travel in time.
This Piece of equipment has yet to be invented.

I sent Janoshik 4 different raw powders to test because sponsor had a KG of each with no labels.
Janoshik could only determine 1 of the 4 hormones.
He does have some primitive type of testing I have no doubt.
TheProvider stopped using him when the same batch came back each time with different measurements.
I had shown HPLC tests from Janoshik from the same sample having different results.
I can reopen thread for everyone to see heated exchange.

He claimed his lab partner made a mathematical mistake since he was exhausted from a plethora of testing requests.
He then claimed to revisit test sample and correct lab partners mistake.
I thought WTF, how can a computer that provides statistical data make a human error.
So I went back to Pompeyo's HGH HPLC test showing it was of low quality.
The math was wrong by using a calculator so I confronted him in then thread.
He corrected the basic math I found to be in error.

At what point are lab assistants writing results of analytical data to be written on a certificate ?
These calculations should be provided by the computer measuring the components of the test?
So his inability to find any dimmers in HGH HPLC testing should be proof enough he is a fraud?
To believe there is no fillers when 191 Aminos acid fragments are combined is ludicrous!
Even top grade Pharmaceutical brands has a 1% error rate.
Fuck me for thinking Chinese generics were better then Pharmaceutical grade?
I can only shake my head seeing Sponsors clap like seals when thyroid meds are 10% overdosed in MCGs.
This could potentially cause catastrophic harm to someones Pituitary Glands.

To be continued as I reopen Testing section to provide receipts for I claimed to be true.

Quality Program - www.impactanalytical.com
One company I used to read about HPLC testing

My Brothers Keeper