This thread is closed. It has served it's purpose.

Bottom line here and you can read in this thread and others is GDL is a scammer and INFO COLLECTOR 100%. He will take your info and keep it to use against you if you say anything negative about him. I have seen it first hand and others here have as well.

He tried to bribe me as a board owner so he could have free range of the board and admin privileges to take over. When I refused he started making up lies and rumors about myself and BOP that we all know aren't true. He caters to the sheeple and that's it. Stick with real legit sponsors that are here.

He is the biggest security risk that our community has ever seen and if you choose to do business with him it's your own fault. For those that believe we try to keep everyone safe please spread the word so it doesn't happen to you or our fellow brothers.
