Quote Originally Posted by Elvia1023 View Post
I have been doing a little reading on DMHA and it's various aliases. You basically have synthetic and natural forms. Some of the terms used on the labels include dimethylhexylamine, octodrine, 2-aminoisoheptane, juglans regia extract, kigelia africana and walnut bark extract (etc).

The reason I started reading up is I was interested in it's possible effects on blood glucose. Fact is when I use it pre workout I have been going hypo post workout if I don't eat straightaway. This is obviously without any insulin usage and even when using a reasonable amount (40-60g) of intra carbs. The fact I train very hard and for long periods is the biggest contributor to me feeling like this post wotkout. It's happened before but with the addition of DMHA it's happening everytime I don't eat straightaway post workout.

Diabetics obviously respond differently to none diabetics. Nevertheless I have found some interesting info. Most notably in studies Juglans regia extract at 200mg daily has been shown to significantly decrease FBG, HbA1c, total cholesterol and triglyceride levels. There is much more info and feel free to check out for yourselves but I figured I would highlight it.
After reading the above I should make it more clear I am not using this has evidence for me going hypo. Those change were over a 3 month period when using 200mg Juglans regia per day. Nevertheless still very interesting data especially if you are using DMHA pre workouts most days per week. I also forgot to mention that there were no adverse effects including any liver or kidney damage. I still think DMHA is definitely having a contributing effect but the main reason are my fairly long and hard workouts that can deplete me. The DHMA products also stay with me a long time which can be positive and negative. I definitely feel shorter cycles are needed for these stronger stimulants so I will probably have a 2 weeks off all DHMA based products soon.