I agree with what lokthai is saying for a lot of supplements, as his words ring true. As is the case for BCAA, as you can get them from a typical diet, no real supplementation necessary. However, I would slightly disagree when it comes to EAA's.

All protein is broken down into AMino Acids, this is the state when they are actually available to build muscle and serve your body. There are two categories of amino acids, essential and non-essential. Non-esstential amino acids your body can create on its own. Essential Amino Acids cannot be made within the body and must be consumed via your diet.

Most protein rich diets will provide enough EAA's to fuel your body and to grow your muscles, so if your diet is on point you should be fine. But, there are still two situations in which supplementing with EAA's make sense, physiologically and financially.

The first is during (intra) and post workout when immediate access to EAA's is at it's highest. During this period, many take protein supplements or drink intra-workout drinks heavy in protein. The problem is that you still need to consume the protein and your body must break it don to EAA's before it can be utilized. By just supplying EAA's they are immediately available upon ingestion. This helps your body access the fuel it needs immediately, reducing any muscle catabolism, increasing nitrogen retention, and aiding in muscular growth.

The second situation is when you are cutting calories but still want to ensure that you are meeting and/or exceeding your protein needs while keeping calories down as well as unnecessary carbs and fat. But substituting with EAA's you can keep your protein high while maintaining your macros and keeping calories low to increase adipose loss.

There are many decent EAA's available which do not have a large costs, especially when compared to the cost of raw protein (Steak, chicken, turkey, eggs, etc.)

I personally just switched over to Humapro. Excellent source of EAA's, each servings is five pills which provides the equivalent EAA's of 25g of digestible protein (It is also available in a powder for intra and post drinks). There is no bloating, intestinal discomfort, and they are 99% bioavailable. Meaning no loss. Additionally, a serving has no fat, no carbs, and less than one calorie. Is it a replacement to whole food? Absolutely not. But it is a great SUPPLEMENT.

EAA's is one of the few supplements I spend money on. EAA's plus quality multivitamins, TUDCA, NAC, and Fish Oils. Everything else comes from raw food and AAS. Just my $0.02.