This is an odd question, so bare with me please lol
And i can’t ask a question without an introduction I’m so effin sorry.

With “vape pens” so popular now, I’ve been really interested in Nicotine. Have quit smoking pot & schmigarrettes, i find myself puffing on a no-nicotine pen. So i went into researching and came on some information that nicotine could be used just as, if not better, beneficially as caffeine. Now i can’t say i wouldn’t get mentally addicted to it; withdrawals of all kinds are actually quite interesting to me and i hate/love them.

okay wtf was i on about.... ah yes,
do you brothers thing that someone could positively benefit(in lifting) from using just nicotine?(smoked; or orally taken) But not with cigarettes, as the million other chemicals will literally make your dick stop working or some scientific shit that kills your body lmao