Ways to thin your blood!!
natural blood thinners

1. Nattokinase.*This enzyme is the most potent natural anticoagulant. It’s extracted from natto, Most people who use nattokinase start with 100 mg dai*ly. They may increase to 200 mg daily if they need more. A 100-mg capsule contains about 2,000 fibrin units (FU)
2. Omega-3s.*The two key omega-3 fats—eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)— are mild blood thinners and are known to reduce inflammation. Dose: 2,000 mg to 3,000 mg daily of com*bined DHA and EPA.
3. B vitamins: use a formula desig*nated on the label as a homocysteine formula that includes folic acid and vitamins B-6 and B-12.
4. Vitamin E.*Vitamin E is a natural blood thinner. Dose: 1,200 interna*tional units (IU) to 2,000 IU daily of a vitamin E supplement. Look for a brand that says “mixed vitamin E” or lists all eight tocopherols and tocotri*enols on the label.
5. Ginkgo biloba, 180mg daily
6. Water!! Just plain 1-1.5 gal daily

Just some extra info. Maybe your next bloods wont send you to donate!
