I usually run Wyeth Labs Test cyp 200/mg week for hrt. Every three months or so i use 1/2mg Arimidex 2x per week for three weeks to brins estradiol back down. Typically I can feel my estrogen levels when they reach 40. I recently switched to EGH labs Test Cyp at 250mg week and added in 20mg Anavar 2x day (total 40mg day). Var is reported to increase free testosterone levels, and I noticed symptoms of estrogen much sooner than expected. Not sure if the moodiness and negative attitude came from the Var or a spike in e2.

My questions are these; Does Anavar have an impact on estrogen conversion? What should the Arimidex dosing and cadens be based on this combination of Test and Anavar? Does Var have an impact on mood for any of you?