Came across this when Dundeed posted it in one of the Aussie subs, but thought it was interesting and relevant for us TRT guys.

Here's some example charts I plotted using Test E. Notice how much the levels spike and decrease despite being a longer ester.....maybe it's just cause I'm a newb, but I was not expecting this.

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

Using this data, obviously smaller daily injections with a longer ester would provide the most consistent results (after a couple weeks or so build up of course). The downside being that you would have to pin every damn day.

I think once I'm back to cruising on T alone I'm going to pin 30mg ed. If nothing else though, this should reinforce why only pinning every week or two isn't ideal even with E or C....but maybe I'm wrong. If so please enlighten me as I'm still learning

Here's a link to the calc if you want to play around with it:

SteroidGraph - Graph your cycle
