Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Doping View Post
A cycle that does not end with PCT is a straight road to disability. PCT is a key point in TRT, loger not mean better, but sometimes it is hard to stop.
Pct is a key point in trt??

Pct stands for post cycle therapy...as in hey guys I just did a cycle of testosterone and now I'm on pct to try to restart my natural hpta function.

Trt or hrt means hey guys I never did a pct not once in the past 10 years and blasted a bunch of times so now I'm on hormone replacement therapy because I can't get back my natural hpta function.

You normally wouldn't do pct if you are on trt. You just keep staying on low dose test for life. Unless you want to attempt a restart and come off of trt say if you want to regain fertility or something.

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