Quote Originally Posted by Bplebo75 View Post
I would like to comment . First of all I'm 42 been on TRT for 7 yrs now. It took a long time and lot of trial and error for me and my Endicoligst lot of tweaking with alot of blood work. First my thyroid is messed up due to hereditary from my mother. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Hacimoto disease. On top of tht when I was young and stupid did some pro hormones and didn't cycle off correctly so with tht and thyroid i was screwed i was 35 when this happened. They took the pro hormone off the self it was finna flex rippedback in 2007. My body never recovered so finally after 5 yrs with my family doctor. I decided to go to a encrendoligst. Well there was not tht much reserce on men with thyroid problems cause it rare for a man to have problems. Well any way after plenty of test and trial and error. I finally got all my levels all 16 of them are pretty good and been good for about

2 years now. I go do blood work every 3 months. So this is what my specialist put me on

Test Cyp 200 - 100 mg every 3 days

Hcg 10000iu - 500iu every three days

Astradial 1mcg - 1 every three days

Synthroid 250mg - 1 everyday

Cytomil 50 mcg - 1 every day (half in morning and half after lunch.

So with that said that has me on point pretty much .
So I'm pretty educated on this topic I'm no Doctor but I've done a lot of research because I had to get my manhood back. If I can help anybody hit me up. Thanks for ur time. Will do more research on a mild cycle to push me over the line I diet and lift religiosity. I'm 6'3 260lbs with 24% body fat. It's hard to maintain sometimes because of my thyroid issues. Just have to keep adjusting. It's a nightmare. I figure with the vets on here I can get some good info from there trial and error.

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Thyroid Hormone Conversion: T4 has 2 choices, it either converts to T3 or rT3.. What you create determines your well-being, not your TSH.
The more rT3 (reverse T3) you make, the more hypothyroid you are..

T3- Triiodothyronine (Active) Ideally 3.5 - 4.2

rT3- Reverse T3 (Inactive) Ideally < 15
