i have been taking androgel 1.62% for the better part of 6 years. i started taking it because i honestly needed it. my T levels were almost nothing. i got tested for several reasons i dont want to go into. after getting a script i immediately felt better on so many levels. i was lucky in that my insurance company (BCBS) covered the script. well, my wife and i decided after she went back to work we would use her insurance carrier as our primary. she had taken 6 years off to watch our children (shes a school teacher and it was cheaper). i quickly discovered that aetna, the new carrier, would not cover the androgel i had been taking for so long. after taking it for 6 years what was i to do? they wanted almost $900/month for the androgel with this new carrier. i could not pay that but i needed the T. those of you have been taking this script for an extended period know what i am talking about. to complicate matters i moved to a new state after being transferred for work. the doctor i had been using would no longer refill my prescription without getting another T test. it was about that time i came across the pharmacom store website. they have come really come through for me. the product i have received is top notch - you might say "too good". it took me two months to get switched back to my company's insurance. that whole time i had no T - no androgel. after finally getting back on my insurance and finding a new doctor i finally got tested again. in that two month period i used the T i received from pharmacom. well... i had to get tested for the new Dr. and my T count was too high. it was 1750!!

this was last week... so in short i just want to say the product i have received from pharmacom has been top notch. i wont lie and say i have tried other people - i have not. pharmacom has really come through for me. its sad i was forced to use them because some insurance company decided T replacement is not a real thing. i still do not know why. i have had many conversations with aetna to date. to say i am mad at them is an understatement. i was forced to go back on my company's insurance because i could not afford the $900/month!

i am writing this in the hope that someone else caught in my shoes will know what to do. i would have never found pharmacom if it were not for a coworker. i hope this doesnt happen to anyone else... BUT if it does give them a shot. sheesh... i feel like a shill but im truly just trying to help. i do not know what i would have done if i had not found them. the depression i get after not taking T for a few weeks is HORRIBLE! anyway, i digress... give them a shot if you ever find yourself in my shoes.