Hey brothers, I am 46 and have been on TRT for 2 years now. I originally got put on by my family Doc, but he was clueless on what dose or time between doses was proper. He had me taking 300 a week of test cyp. Don't get me wrong I loved it at first, but my hematocrit started going through the roof at one point it was at 68. My nads wasted away and I just felt like shit. When I started doing my own research on proper doses/times. I started questioning him. He told me to find another Dr and stopped my Test all together. I crashed. I went to an Endocrinologist, who after testing me found that my test level was at 110 and hey I needed put on TRT. She has me @ 300 every 2 wks of test cyp, but doesn't believe in an AI or HCG for my boys. Is this right? Are there any Docs other than age clinic Docs that use ancillaries to help their patients or is this all on me?