Did blood work last Monday. Started blast Monday evening...
640mg Test C and 400mg Mast/NPP blend weekly, 10mg of Superdrol daily, 10mg Cialas twice a week and .5mg of Arimidex the day of each pin.

Follow up with Doctor today and they wasnt happy with results.
Told them I played around with my TRT trying to find where I felt best and it was 180mg to 200mg weekly.
My TRT is prescribed at 100mg of Test C weekly. They wasnt mad about it but concerned cause my levels for my follow up was so low.
The was roughly 2 weeks from last pin to blood work but Test total level was 190 and free Test was 5.
They want my to start tonight with 200mg a week for 3 weeks and then 200mg every 10 days till 2 months is up. Then do blood work again.

Just frustrated since I starting my blast last week and now got to stop and do this. I know it is is totally understandable but just needed to vent.