
Following input on this thread, I've been on the HCG around 360 UI eod, 10 mg Nolvadex ed and adex 0.25 e3d for 9 days, was planning to run Nolva for 10 days before switching back to clomid, at least until the next bloods, except for an 8 days holidays planned in the meantime. Started feeling very good with it, overall in a good mood, test must have come up quite a bit judging how easy erections came up, easier than on clomid only, although I had noticed improvement with clomid already.
Yet for the last few days sleep has worsen very noticeably. With HGH I had enjoyed a pretty deep sleep but started having troubles falling asleep than staying asleep despite still taking HGH. Feeling very tired after 4/5 days like this, lacking quite a bit of sleep and wasting hours in bed trying to rest.
Any idea where that might come from ? I suspect that has to do with the HCG/Nolva/adex protocol, recently I've also added Coq10 and Celery seeds as supplements, but doubt this is strong enough to disturb sleep that much.

Thanks in advance for all input !