I am sorry but I don’t know what kind of dr you have that would be willing to prescribe deca for anything unless he is shady. I know they give it to aids patience to keep them from wasting away and their may be a few other reasons they would prescribe it... also I was on a 300mg a week dose rx and my numbers were running really high.. at 300 mg a week of synthetic testosterone I don’t care if someone was 80yrs old their numbers would be way over the legal threshold.. it took my 6 years to get my dr to prescribe me 300mg week and that is only because I have been minipulati g the system for so long. Also why would he be prescribing you hcg if you are 51 and on Trt. And the arinadex is for what . Not tying to start any thing I am just trying to figure this out.. also 200 mg of deca would do wonders for your joints. I ran 500+mg of deca for over a year a while back and had no problem when I stopped it to give my body a break..