Without knowing much about you, I’d say your first priority is to get stable by seeing your doc and checking levels - it should not take six months to stabilize, and you should see your doc in three months. I see my endo once every twelve weeks, and it works well.

Is 200mg/month enough for someone your age to keep you in range? Well, range is subjective, but I’d say it’s probably not enough. Most TRT levels are about 200mg every 7-14 days. But, again, it depends on what that starting dose of 200mg/month does for your levels.

Honestly, you will probably never be able to pull the wool over your docs eyes regarding doing steroids. You can try to time things to your visits, but that’s super-stressful, and not fool-proof. Can”t you just tell him your on a cycle when you go on a cycle? I highly recommend being honest, especially since you are already having issues medically with your endogenous test and high prolactin/gyno. This isn’t, really, something you want to fuck with. You’re young, and you’re already dealing with some issues that most people twice your age don’t deal with.

Can you still cycle safely? I don’t know. You don’t know. Get stable and feel good about your levels and yoru body, and then decide if you want to move forward again with cycle-level steroids.