I may have just ende duo lucky, but if the two docs I’ve seen for my trt, both are local primary care docs, both were receptive to my questions and info I brought them. The first one was admittedly clueless. I was the first one she’d treated on trt, so brought her several peer reviewed studies and she modified my protocol to fit test results. She initially said 200mg every two weeks, but right away agreed in my splitting the dose and doing weekly pins. When my 6 weeks results came back still on low side, she bumped me to 180mg a week. What made me concerned was when she rx’d me 1mg anastrozol a day. Good news was I got a shit ton of arimadex cheap, but really concerned me a bit too.

After almost two years I switched to another local gent a buddy recommended and haven’t looked back. He originally started me at 300mg a week, and even after my labs came back over 1800, he said he’d keep me there but I could drop down to 200mg a week if I wanted. I’ve always had lower bp, good psa, donate blood regularly, so I have continued running 300mg a week when not on blast for over a year now and it’s been great. I do take a 1/4mg arimidex day after pin and always have e2 dialed in.

AND—my insurance covers everything and has for the past few years. They also cover all my labs if I do them with my annual physical.

So so if not happy with the doc you have, don’t feel cornered without options. There are other docs out there and some that really do care and even care when they know you are doing other things besides what they Rx—they are there to look aft3r your health despite you habits, hoodies, etc.