Quote Originally Posted by Mrandu View Post
I want to slightly bulk, would using a bulking Inject or oral work similarly to the masteron in terms of getting off of them around 4 weeks before testing, or will that not work with something like deca or npp
Ehhhh I’m not 100% sure..maybe npp due to the short ester...it would clear faster...
You could always use test prop at a higher dose along along with npp for a nice little cycle.

How long do you go between blood work for your doc ?
I go every 6 months now..so it’s easy to cycle between and clear up before the upcoming lab work.

I your working with new doctor I highly recommend not f’ing around right away. He will be more than likely doing labs more often..trying to see how the meds(test) effect your panel.
Take it from me ...I once was on 75mcgs of t3 and did lab work thinking “hey it’s not test..so what the big deal”...well it turned out to be ..he wanted to send me for special thyroid test ...thyroid slowing meds...
I had to firmly decline and come clean ...kinda ..I told him I took a oct thyroid supp...Now he ask so many questions about steroids and how my low T come about. It’s annoying

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