I am also on trt,my doctor prescribes me androgel. I hated it at first,but after a while I started to feel “normal”again.You need to take just your trt and nothing else that will mess with your levels. I made the mistake of taking swarms and otc test boosters and my blood work came back way off.My doctor was pissed and told me that in order for treatment to work I have to follow the protocol.It’s not easy to find a general practitioner who prescribes trt,so I am making sure to take care of my relationship with the doctor. I get blood work every six months so I have a larger window to run a cycle. I usually start it a few days after drawing blood. I also do private md labs mid cycle to make sure nothing is way off and adjust my dosages accordingly. I would suggest looking for another doctor that test every six months,even if it is the gel.It sucks at first,but it does work. I pay $10 every three months for my prescription.Hope this was helpful