I’m sure there is plenty of info on this topic out already but would like to have my own cycle bro science examined. Been on test cyp 200 per week for 1 year. First cycle I bummed that up to 500 per week for 10 weeks so far. My plan was just to tapper back down to 200 per week over the next 6 weeks or so. Maybe drop down about 50 per week. Any reason I would need to do anything else? I also take Anadrol 25mg 2x per week on my heavy lift days. I don’t have any experience taking Anadrol as a blast, don’t really plan to as of now. I feel like I notice a significant dofference on those days and I feel great, not toxic or bloated. The Anadrol I’ll just stop taking at 16 weeks was the plan.

As for some results my bench press for example went from 225 to 290 (had some technique issues I fixed as well). Im anticipating the drop in strength at the end of the cycle, I’m really hoping at the end of this I still feel really comfortable repping 250. I can see why guys go on a blast and stay on one and frankly it’s sort of a relief that I am on trt for the rest of my life. Cheers guys thanks for your input.