Quote Originally Posted by thetank88 View Post
Im in my lower 30s, been lifting since college on and off, but the last 4 years I havnt missed a day in the gym and have tracked every macro. Did a couple of "natty" shows, but have always been curious, especially the last few years. Been stalking the forums the last couple of month and decided to get my bloods checked. My total test came back at 320, free at 8, estrogen at 54. I got prescribed 200mg of test cyp a week, 100mg 2x/ week. Going to get bloods checked in 8 weeks. Can I expect good gains from this, or should i supplement as a first timer?
I just posted something about this earlier this momrig I believe. I was having a conversation yesterday with a guy in a similar situation. The point is when you body is low with t and you add a outside hormone. Your body is gonna be like WTF. Cause it’s been low for so long. This is a prime situations to make your extra test work for you. It’s all about the diet and training too. If you want to pack on a little mass then you need to eat eat eat. Even more than you do. The extra t is gonna raise your metabolism a bit cause when it’s low your metabolism slows that’s why guys when they get older get soft and have a hard time keeping muscle. So you will have to eat a bit more. If you want to lean the. Keep eating the way your are. If it was me I would take the advantage of the extra test and try and put some good quality weight on. Eventually your body will normalize. I am not a dr so I don’t know how long that will take but it will. You can expect your test level to go up to somewhere In The 7-800range. Again not a dr but just guessing. Get use to having you ever ran a cycle before?? If not get use to the whole pinning routine and schedule get your first couple of bloods to inject yourself and then you can maybe add a little something to the mix. Maybe some test p or quick ester compound so you don’t have to constantly manipulate blood work. This is just a suggestion.. hope it all works out and some of this helps..