I started my trt and I was doing 125mcg of test e a week in 2 doses and 500iu a week of HCG, I think a moderate dose, but I've done blood work all the way through.

I felt like complete shit, depressed, angry, couldn't come even though I was Randy as fuck and for the first time in my life got high blood pressure!

My TRT clinic after my last bloods grilled me asking what I was topping up with as my levels were,I think, mental. My prolactin was triple the upper level, estrogen 189 when the upper level is 159.............. but my test went from 10.9 to 119 nmol/l or 3400 in the American level.
He told me I must be a hyper responder to HCG so I stopped that, reduce test to 100mcg and take .5mg of arimidex twice a week.
I feel like I'm settling down a coupe of weeks in, but my nuts are small and my climaxes feel week compared to no trt..........I think I will bring the HCG back later and see what happens.

Anyway landing my plane, you need bloods as what you are pinning means fuck all to how your body responds