Had a visit with a men’s clinic yesterday. Didn’t know what to expect as they don’t advertise themselves as a trt clinic and offer more than that. So I went in with an open mind and to explore options. Long story short, test was at 439(I’m 34), exact same as 6 months ago before my NPP cycle. Good news is I recovered just fine, bad news is my test levels aren’t good for my age. Clinic wanted $600 a month for trt. Not happening.

So I decided to go ahead and start myself. Know all the usual stuff, regular bloodwork, etc.

Had a single dose 1ml/200mg dose that a coworker gave me- he gets trt through his doc and gave it to me. He doesn’t know I’ve used steroids, but I’ve talked about them. I used that dose yesterday, but will do 150mg every Monday of test c moving forward. Bloodwork was good, so decided to go ahead and use the 40ish 50mg anavar pills I have. Just started a cut about 3 weeks ago, so should help out and it’s a mild dose. Gives me a month break before starting my next scheduled cycle after Christmas, pending bloodwork.