So, after a failed PCT (I'm 48 btw 5 ' 8 - 165), I couldn't get my testosterone up for over 2 months. I just got a test and it's sitting at 188. I'm sure that it may get back up there, but it's going to take many months and now i'm just wondering if I should just do the blast and cruise for the rest of my life. I figured I would be doing this someday, but thought maybe in my 50s..

I started giving myself trt style injections 1/2 cc 250 enth (MB) - and front loaded 80mgs prop on each shot, Mondays and Thursday. I'm feeling fantastic already after 3 months of hell. I must have hit zero at one point, one of my tests showed 74 free test, 32 free test , then ran clomid/nolva - 2 months later 188.

I showed my doctor the numbers and he suggested a doctor that administers Bio identical hormone therapy. From what I can find on the internet, not only is this not fda approved, but how safe is it and how effective is it? I was thinking about finding a regular TRT doc and going that way, as this biht seems to new and takes too long (up to 8 weeks) to fully kick in.

Has anyone gone down this road, should I just do the TRT instead? I have no problem injecting myself - as I have been doing that for years off an on with cycles..
